Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy is a holistic and natural therapy, that taps into the energetic powers of Crystals, and how they effect the body mind and spirit. Crystals are placed on or around a person to induce a deep relaxing state. It’s always best to wear comfortable clothing as you want to feel relaxed. Crystal therapy can help to release pain and stress and to promote energy balances between the subtle and energetic bodies.
Each session lasts between 45-90mins and can be booked as a single session or in patterns. Please speak to me further for more information on this.
What can Crystal Therapy help with?
Crystal Therapy can help you if:

- you're feeling anxious
- you're suffering with panic attacks
- you have trouble sleeping
- you are feeling overwhelmed
- you want some new focus and direction
- you require an energy boost
- you need chakra balancing
- you need aura cleansing
- you need to combine with meditation techniques and other holistic treatments
How Does Crystal Therapy work?
Crystal Therapy is where you use the energy and vibration of different crystals to help with our mind, body and spirit. Crystals are usually placed on or around the body (Grid) and the energy drawn from them.
First you will have a consultation. During our consultation I will analyse what crystals I feel you require, with tips for grounding and meditation. We will do a breathing exercise to open up our chakras and ground ourselves. Crystal Treatment will then begin. Notes will be taken and the use of sound (Tibetan singing bowls) and Crystals combined.
Final consultation to discuss what I picked up and what you may have felt or even if you just have some questions or queries about your treatment.
I will then give you some steps to take for the future with a written report sent after.
If you have any further questions or just require more information please don’t hesitate to ask. You can either email, text, phone with your name and contact details and I will get back to you.
Each session is £60